Monday, June 13, 2011

An Attitude of Gratitude

It's a sign of mediocrity when you demonstrate gratitude with moderation.

-Roberto Benigni

So many things to be thankful for since my last post....hace seis meses

- Estoy aprendiendo español y me encanta la lengua mucho mas
- Friends: the creative ones, the scooter ones, the vegan ones, the ones who just are
- Running again - 9 minute miles - OK after a Winter of respiratory problems
- Farm Sanctuary - I began volunteering here in April. My life is already more amazing
- New CD's and fantastic singles by Latin artists Maná, Enrique Iglesias and REIK
- Bryant Terry's Vegan Soul Kitchen - traditional Southern food...without the meat
- Finding the time (and the courage) to start blogging again ¡Vamos ahora!